PKA-001 is a highly specialized, zoonotic virus that exclusively targets animal species, leaving humans unaffected. Upon infection, the virus initiates a unique neurological transformation, significantly enhancing the cognitive abilities of the host. Infected animals experience a rapid increase in intelligence, reaching or surpassing human levels of reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. This transformation allows them to communicate verbally, articulating thoughts and emotions through human language. The virus does not alter the animal’s physical appearance but completely rewires their neural pathways, enabling complex speech and self-awareness.
How exactly PKA-001 spreads is currently unknown, as we have currently never observed a case where PKA-001 has infected another animal. This means it is safe to bring an infected animal near an uninfected animal without risking infection. An animal can be infected by simply injecting PKA-001 into another animal. Upon an infection, the host will seemingly start to refer to themselves by a random human name, depending on the gender of the host.
Notably, infected animals seem to be able to interact normally with an uninfected animal of the same species. Uninfected animals can understand infected animals talking in human language and vise versa.
It should be noted, that even though animals infected with PKA-001, they can still be controlled by PKA-157. If infected animals become out of control, PKA-157 should be called upon them immediately.